What does money mean to you?


What does money allow you to do? Retire comfortably? Pay for your kids education? Buy a vacation home? Spend more money on Amazon?

No matter who you are, money reveals a lot about who you are and what you care about. I want to help you dig a bit deeper. Any financial advisor out there can invest your money and get you a decent return...or build you a financial plan. Very few financial advisors, however, will help you build a vision for your money that allows you to lead a more fulfilling life. 

At Hathaway Investments, we believe that money is an incredible resource and gift that can be used for fulfilling and meaningful purposes, but it also has a powerful ability to dominate one's thoughts, pursuits, and potentially limit or cripple your joy and happiness.

Don't let your money get the best of you! Allow us to help with your financial journey!

We will do more than just manage your wealth. We want to start with your "why" - your motivation and driving vision for life - and build out a comprehensive plan that ensures your money will help you achieve your "why."

Get more from your money. Have a greater vision for your investments.


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